Exits and track record

Typically when investing in private companies, you should expect to hold your investment for five to 10 years. The majority of Wealth Club’s 88 single-company investments have been made since 2017. 

To date:

  • 9 deals have been exited (10%) returning a total of £7.2 million capital to investors
  • 71 deals are active (81%)
  • 8 deals have failed (9%)

Important: Please note: past performance is not a guide to the future. Exit valuations and timings are not guaranteed – you could lose the capital you invest.

Datamaran-Single-Company.jpgEIS exit: Datamaran – 3.4x realised return

In 2019 Wealth Club investors participated in the Series A round of Datamaran, an ESG risk management software platform. They were given the opportunity to exit in 2022 at a 3.4x multiple of the entry share price.

Titan-Single-Company.jpgEIS exit: Titan Storage (Poole) – 1.24x realised return

In 2018 Wealth Club investors invested £871,000 into a self-storage business. The company was sold in 2023 giving Wealth Club investors a 1.24x return.

4-acre-carpark-tesco-immingham.jpgCommercial property exit: 4-acre supermarket and car park site 1.2x realised return

In September 2020 Wealth Club investors participated in a deal to buy a 4-acre supermarket and car park site let to Tesco under a 25-year inflation-protected lease. The site was sold less than two years later for a return of 1.2x.

Project-Blackout.jpgMBO exit: Project Blackout 1.65x realised return

In 2019, Wealth Club investors participated in the confidential and undisclosed MBO of Project Blackout, a leading wholesaler of textiles. The funding was intended to help the founders expand the team and the company’s global customer base. Despite lockdown the Company performed well. Investors’ subscriptions comprised secured loan notes targeting a yield of 10% p.a. plus 30% equity interest. In August 2022 the business was successfully refinanced and Wealth Club investors received full repayment of the loan and interest, whilst the equity remained invested. Approximately three years later, the sale of the business was agreed. Total proceeds of the deal will give Wealth Club investors a 1.65x return net of all fees and 16% IRR.

Key Statistics

Over 3,000

The number of people Wealth Club backed companies employ in the UK and around the world

9 out of 10

The percentage of Wealth Club backed companies that have attracted institutional capital


The average company year-on-year revenue growth within Wealth Club backed offers


Total capital returned to investors to date.

Source: Wealth Club, based on investee company information as at 31 December 2023. Past performance is not a guide to the future.

See past performance of the companies mentioned above

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