Managed Portfolios

“We're launching our new Managed Portfolio Service – and I'm transferring a large chunk of my investments: here's why” – Alex Davies, Founder and CEO

If you are anything like me, you have probably built a collection of stocks and shares and funds over the years – in your ISA, your pension or just on their own.

Do you wonder how well they fit together? Is your portfolio still right for you? Are you taking too much risk – or not enough? Does your portfolio look diversified but in reality is invested in the same thing through different funds? Are you paying too much in charges?

These questions had been nagging me for some time. In 2019, Jonathan Moyes, our Head of Investment Research, joined us from award-winning boutique wealth manager Whitechurch Securities, where he managed £400 million across over 10,000 discretionary investor portfolios – so I asked him to review my portfolio.

I had too much overlap. Many funds bought years ago were no longer performing and I wasn’t nearly as geographically diversified as I should have been. I had far too much in the UK and not enough in the US. 

The changes I made as a result saw me through Covid, the war in Ukraine and three UK prime ministers, rising interest rates and inflation. My portfolio hasn’t always gone up, but it has done what it is supposed to (and I think better than if I had left it as it was). Most importantly it has given me peace of mind.

Could what Jonathan did for me be replicated at scale? We believe so, and this is why we are launching the Wealth Club Managed Portfolio Service. 

Institutional-grade portfolios with a DIY investor price tag

The idea is simple: you select a level of risk you are comfortable with, we do the rest. Depending on your choice, your money is invested in one of five portfolios: Conservative, Balanced, Growth, Adventurous Growth or Income. 

You can invest in an ISA, a SIPP, a General Investment Account, or all three. I have transferred a large chunk of my own investments, and so has my wife.  

The Wealth Club Managed Portfolios are the type of portfolio a private bank or wealth manager might build for you – but without the hefty price tag. In fact, you could pay around 40% less than you would if you used an adviser and roughly the same if managing a typical fund portfolio yourself on a DIY platform.

Each portfolio invests in a diverse mix of 30-45 actively managed and low-cost index funds as well as investment trusts. 

You get exposure to equities and bonds from around the world but also infrastructure and other private assets; from mainstream managers such as Artemis and Fundsmith to those you might be less familiar with such as Comgest, Dodge & Cox and Brookfield.

To my knowledge, there is no other easy to use, low-cost investment service specifically designed for wealthier and more sophisticated investors that you can apply for easily online. 

The Wealth Club Managed Portfolio Service invests in funds and investment trusts. They are for experienced investors happy to make their own investment decisions without advice. Their value will go down as well as up. If unsure an investment is right for you, please seek advice.

Could you be interested? Read more and apply online or register your interest below. 

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